Cloud PBX
Cloud PBX is also known as Virtual PBX which provides asecure and reliable office phone system by an internet connection. Cloud PBX provides businesses with flexibility and scalability while also maintaining low costs.
Traditional PBX system is a private phone system that is usedwithin a organization but modern business phone systems have moved away fromlegacy system to IP PBX system that is called Cloud PBX. It works over an internet connection. They connect IP phones to PBX Server. This option tends to provide more advanced phone features as well as significant cost effective.
Cloud PBX functions in the same way but it is hosted on acloud server rather than on premise. Cloud PBX Solution is hosted by the PBX Service provider. Most small businesses now have reliable network connections and making this an effective option.
Benefits of a cloud PBX
As with IP phone systems or applications, a cloud PBX provides the advantage of using an internet connection. Here are some of thebenefits a cloud solution provides over a traditional PBX.
· Remote business phone calls – In addition to VoIP desk phones, users can connect tobusiness telephone numbers from different locations via a web phone or mobileapp. Outgoing and incoming calls, voicemail, call transfers and more are all accessible remotely, meaning more flexibility and – often – better customer service.
· No server maintenance – Small and medium businesses, it can be difficult to maintain onpremise servers. A Virtual PBX solution means easier server management via webinterfaces while a phone system hosted by the provider that means no server management.
· Lower costs – Apart from the savings on maintenance, hosting providers often only chargeaccording to usage of the solutions.